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  • Dee Huynh

Short-form content to start creating for your business

Short-form content that is 30 seconds or less is now the most popular and most preferred type of content watched today. TikTok-style, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are growing rapidly in viewership and it comes down to it being highly engaging, fast paced and high value.

And no, it's not all just dance routines and silly pranks. Short-form content that is going viral are those that offer people something to learn, something to laugh at or something that entertains.

It does not matter what industry you're from or how "boring" you think it may be. Every business has the ability to provide useful, educational content that attracts viewers on all the different social platforms.

Short-form content is now simplified thanks to the competitive nature of each platform. When TikTok first started, it was a very alien channel many businesses and brands avoided for a long while. Today, you have Instagram and YouTube changing up their platforms to accommodate the TikTok-style of content to keep millennials and Gen-Z audiences engaged.

Beyond this, short-form content is quicker to test and learn with and just for using a trending audio in your video, your changes of reaching thousands is possible without spending a single cent in digital advertising.

To help you get started, a couple of suggestions so you can start creating short-form content for your business today.

Start with the problem - what's a common problem that your customers or consumers often face? Start by sharing this problem and tease the result in the first few seconds of the content. Then walk your viewer through the exact steps or suggestions you would take to get to the results. Make it fast and make it interesting. Because short-form content is on average between 10-15 seconds, the chances of one person reviewing the video multiple times is very high which you're ultimately rewarded for by the algorithm because people are engaged.

Get creative - a lot of people assume that they don't have a creative bone in them which is stopping them from creating content. To begin with, it's all about keeping it simple. What do you enjoy most about your job or your business? Short-form content that works is about being real and offering something of value. If you're an insurance broker, demonstrate your understanding and knowledge the best way you know how. When it comes to the production of the content, let the experts help guide you. After-all, most of the leg work is in the editing. If you're a business coach and your favourite sport is basketball, film yourself shooting hoops. Every hoop you swish, add an effect and a tip on how to be a successful business owner.

Content creation always sounds daunting to begin with and it's understandable. You don't have to do it alone and that's what we're here for. If you love filming, we encourage that part of the process. If you don't have time to edit and add in all the features and audio, let us help you.

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