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  • Dee Huynh

How to Create Consistent Content Without Burning Out!

1. Repurpose old content

Whether it be written content or visual content, you are sure to have some gems you've created in the past that you could reuse or recycle. Focus on the high-performing pieces of content that people liked or interacted with the most. You might think that people will notice, but the chances are pretty low that everyone will be bookmarking every single post you send live (secret - no one cares as much as you do about your socials).

You can simply change the wording around, swap out certain elements of the creative or take a written piece and make it visual and vice-versa. If you work with videos a lot, review what's in the bank and adapt the footage to new messaging. You'll be surprised how much you can repurpose without spending big bucks or massive efforts on refreshing your content. When you view your content this way, your content world is your oyster!

2. Build your content topics and ideas from social media

Sometimes you run into roadblocks or your creativity runs dry and that's totally normal. There's no need to punish yourself by racking your brain for a topic you're unsure about. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn provide us with tonnes of ideas daily. Follow the handles and hashtags relevant to your business and we guarantee that if you jump on to any of those channels you'll be served with some valuable posts that you can utilise for your own content generation.

Further to this, if you're able to find clever ways of creating your own unique content referencing someone else's post and have the ability to tag them in it, you could potentially reach an even wider audience. Everyone likes to be acknowledged for their work so if it makes sense to do it, give it a go!

3. Ask the Public or Content Row can help

Hundreds of content ideas are literally at your fingertips. Simply Google, Ask the Public or Content Row and you will be provided with a world of ideas relative to the keywords you typed in and searched. Take any of these titles or themes and reword them to craft them into your content. It's truly a blessing. Check it out for yourself!

Generated by Ask the Public
Generated by Content Row

4. Plan ahead

Sure, it's easier said than done but with a clear strategy in place, this should enable you to create content consistently in advance. Utilise the tools that the world wide web has to offer you and really take ownership of your content plan. Where possible, batch key topics and create content in bulk. This jus means that when the time comes every week or every month to share a new piece of content, it's not stressful because it's already done. And when it's already done, it makes the whole process so much more enjoyable because you're not burning out every time!

If you ever need help planning your content strategy or creating consistent content for your business, reach out to ONIX. We're experts in the field and can help you as much or as little as you need. Contact us now for a chat to learn more.



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